I had a phenomenal experience on my mission trip. I was hesitant to go on short-term missions because the nature of those experiences can sometime be self-serving, rather than truly missional in nature. This experience resulted in the deepening of my faith. I feel like I grew the most through the deep devotionals we had at the end of the days with our team. Independent of where you are in your faith, you will grow.
Walton Simmons – Johns Creek, GA

In today’s opportunity-abundant world, it is ironic that so many people are still looking for purpose. Most are looking only for what satisfies themselves, but when we get involved in something bigger than ‘me’ that impacts the world around us, we realize selflessness is the key that unlocks the door. Consider becoming a team member on a short-term team and accept God’s grand invitation to bring people together and to know him more deeply. In joining the collective effort to transform communities around the world, you just might find that God transforms you.
David Cooper – Director of Global Engagement, One Collective

As a missionary, I have first-hand seen that the teams from Metanoia have been long-term blessings to both the local ministries and international workers. The experiences shared between the team and locals made a memorable impact on both parties. We always enjoy the positive energy Metanoia brings and feel uplifted and encouraged by them.
Claire Whitcomb – Former missionary with One Collective, Ecuador

The mission trip to Jamaica was overall, one of the best decisions I’ve made since becoming a Christian. The time we spent working one-on-one with the people there gave me so much perspective on just how much God cares for His people. Although I was slightly nervous to learn Jamaican ASL, it was really easy to pick up on, and by the end of the trip became second nature. Our small group time helped me to reflect on God’s word and how it applied to my life. Before the trip I felt very lost but after I left with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Lei-Ana Nieves – Tampa, FL

The short-term trip exceeded my expectations. I was able to learn about Jesus, connect with Him, and allow Him to give my life direction with just the short few days I was in Jamaica. I wasn’t sure the best way to fundraise or if I was even going to. I figured paying for the trip myself was the best option, but after asking a few people to contribute it became easier and easier. I was surprised to find that I was empowering others to give to God’s plan instead of asking for money to help me with each person I talked to.
Zach Benavidez – College Station, TX

We got the chance dive into the everyday lives of the people around us. We worked together, played together, worshiped together, and laughed together. The people at the Jamaican Deaf Village gave us the opportunity to learn about them, ourselves, and who God is. The people there are just like us, I was able to see just how strong their faith was. It was such a humbling experience.
Frederick McCloud – Houston, TX

I loved my experience on the mission trip! The work we did during the day made a difference in the community and God’s Kingdom. The team leader did an amazing job leading nightly devotionals and helping the group grow in their relationship with each other and Christ. This was my favorite mission trip yet!
James Eno – Lincoln, NE

I grew up in a Christian/Muslim household. Going on mission opened my eyes. I didn’t set any expectations and came in with an open heart. I wanted to get closer to God by trusting that the people around me were there to support me and trusting myself to you be vulnerable. The spiritual time at night really helped bond our group and allowed me to open up about things that I never really talked about. It allowed me to feel accepted within the group because no one was judging me. Everyone was excited from where I had come to where I was going in life.
Aleah Karimi – Lincoln, NE

My mission trip to Nicaragua aided me to get out of one of the hardest spots I had ever been in before. I grew up Christian and had a relationship with Christ but sometimes we fall short and get wrapped up in the world. I was dealing with heavy anxiety and minor depression which I had never experienced before. I knew I needed to engulf myself in God’s presence by attending the mission trip; best decision I ever made. It was a breath of fresh air to spend every day in Nicaragua focusing on others instead of myself and if the anxiety began to come back I was surrounded by the best people and advisors to help get me out of it. It was here I learned “to live is Christ, to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21) As I lived for Christ, the anxiety and weight began to die because nothing can beat the name of Jesus.
Louana Paddock – College Station, TX

My mission experience was the most memorable and incredible experience of my life. I was authentically transformed by seeing real faith, healing, and blessings lived out by the people we met, helped, and communed with. I was Baptized and my life has been completely redeemed. I thought my plan for my life was going to be good, but God proved, and still proves, that it could be better than I ever thought it could be. I never could have done it by myself. It’s all God. I’d recommend this experience to anyone.
Noelle Sporer – Tallahassee, FL

The experience was transformative. Every morning, we woke up and ate breakfast together, prayed together and took time to enjoy each other and our hosts. We worked at the farm during the day, but to be honest, none of it ever felt like work. We would laugh and talk with each other, and our faith was often the topic of conversation. In the evening, we would eat together, pray together, and go to bed knowing that we had given God our best and in awe at how He had blessed us in return. My faith grew tremendously during those 10 days, and it was because all of us took turns sharing our journeys, our struggles, and our joys. We weren’t distracted by our phones or social media, or the business of everyday life. Instead, we got to focus our eyes on Christ, be washed in His love and mercy, and be encouraged by each other as we attempted to intentionally walk in His footsteps.
Michaela Stiles – Allegan, MI

My mission trip to Nicaragua touched my heart and broadened my perspective in the most meaningful way. Getting Baptized marked a significant spiritual milestone for me. Meeting the locals in their homes and hearing about their struggles while witnessing their unwavering joy was incredibly eye-opening. The trip was impressively organized, ensuring our safety throughout. I genuinely felt like I was making a positive impact on the community.
Taylor Blaylock – Denton, TX

Spending each day serving others was such an amazing experience that I will cherish forever. Everyday we had the opportunity to meet new people, listen to their story, and help their community. I’m so thankful for this experience and how it really strengthened my Faith. God does not call the capable, he calls the available.
Eden Daney – Nashville, TN

My experience in both Masatepe and Ticuantepe has helped me understand my faith in ways I never knew was possible. Being able to immerse yourself into such a loving and hospitable culture has created life-long bonds that have carried with me to this day and opportunities to amplify my spiritual conviction. I’ll be forever grateful for the friends who became family, the ability to serve, and constantly recalling the moments (and people) of pure joy that Nicaragua has to offer.
Braydn Hall – Tulsa, OK

My time on mission showed me that I have much to be thankful for. If the people I met who don’t have much materially can still find joy and hospitality, even in hardship, so can I. The nightly group discussions helped reveal to me how God was still longing for my heart even in my sinful moments.
Jade Blanco – Houston, TX

This was a very eye-opening experience to not only build a deeper relationship with God, but also with myself. The conversations and relationships built during the trip were my favorite part. I appreciated learning everyone’s stories and creating bonds as God watched over us. There’s no other experience like this – definitely unforgettable.
Leng Vang – Minneapolis, MN

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to go on multiple mission experiences with Metanoia. It was such a great experience interacting with the local people and seeing how they reflect Christ’s love. The people overflow with gratitude which has helped me gain perspective for my own life. These trips were a great way to serve as Jesus served. One of the best parts was getting to do our group devotional each night and intentionally grow in our faith while we were there.
Noah Swanson – Aitkin, MN