Why Metanoia?
We thank you for considering Metanoia Missions & Ministries (M3) for your short-term mission experience or generous monthly contribution to help the communities we serve. We offer a unique, dual-natured experience that combines service to others and growth for self. With a nightly devotion specifically written to open conversations and hearts, the experience is as much what you take from your team as what you take from the community.
What are your “go-to” mission experience locations?
Through our partnership organizations, M3 is able to take groups all over the world for missions. Currently, the countries and communities we have made a long-term commitment to include Nicaragua, Jamaica, Mexico, and Ecuador. We are also open to domestic experiences upon request and will have some of these experiences available from time to time.
How can I attend a trip as a team member?
It’s as simple as letting us know you are interested! While the mission experiences are Christian-based and put together for team members to experience a deeper relationship through their faith, we welcome anyone open to serving, loving others, and willing to take a “leap of faith” for the sake of growing and better understanding their faith.
How many team members attend each missions experience?
While it depends on how many the organization can accommodate, the sweet spot is typically 10-12. However, some of our partner organizations can host larger groups. We feel it’s important not to have too large of a group so everyone will be included, have a chance to talk and share during devotion time, and be able to maximize their impact. For larger groups, we may divide into several subgroups for the purpose of building internal community and for the reasons listed above. The Founders of M3 are no strangers to large-scale groups having led numerous service projects as large as 350 participants.
When do various mission experiences take place?
Mission experiences take place throughout the year. Determining factors may include your group’s availability, the availability of the partner organization, and other factors such as political climate, safety, and weather.
What is the average cost per trip?
Missions with M3 are around $2,500 for North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean (though this estimate could be more or less, depending on variable factors including airfare prices). This includes a round-trip flight from a designated city, payment to the organization (typically includes transportation, lodging, meals, and possibly supplies to be used while there), and team leader and administrative fees. Fees not covered in this pricing include flight to and from the designated city, Airbnb with the group if required, food while traveling, souvenirs, background checks if required, immunizations if required, and travel insurance. For other parts of the world, pricing would be determined upon planning and research for the specific site of service.
What is a mission experience with M3 like?
An experience with M3 has been described as a combination of pep rallies, boot camps, and youth camps. We laugh, love, serve, and grow. We work with the community and individuals during the day and work on ourselves at night in a small, intimate group environment. Team leaders have been trained to walk the group through a devotional that is meant to help you expand what you do and don’t know about your faith and build a deeper relationship with Jesus.
How can I contact M3?
Easy! You can email us at info@metanoiamissions.net or call us at 615-640-0723.
What is the business model M3 is operating under?
M3 is NOT a 501c3. We are neither a charity or nonprofit. We are what’s called a Nonprofit Corporation. This means we are a legal entity that has been incorporated under state laws (Tennessee) to operate for purposes other than making profits. In our case, any profit made, other than covering any very low operating-related expenses, goes back to the communities, individuals, projects, and other benevolent giving we see as worthy of putting forth our collective donations and resources. The way M3 is set up, none of the cofounders are making a profit or being paid. With very low overhead expenses, more assistance can be diverted to those in need. The company has a dual-natured approach to helping those in need and at-risk: short-term mission experiences and long-term fundraising. The onsite missions are helpful in sharing God’s love in person while building relationships, understanding other cultures, and developing greater faith. The fundraising aspect allows for money to be raised through donations to support specific projects and needs of the communities and organizations we serve (domestically and internationally). A lot of people giving a little makes a really BIG difference.
What is a “fiscal sponsor” and why does M3 have one?
At M3, we have partnered with a fiscal sponsor to assist with fundraising efforts for ongoing support to those we wish to serve. Our partner, Compass Charitable Partners, is approved by the IRS to provide tax-exemption and associated benefits to support our charitable initiatives. The reason we have this specific partnership is to allow our donors to have a means of receiving a tax deduction for their donations. Compass will release contributed money to M3 upon request so long as the appeal meets the purpose of the charitable giving of M3. In addition to the landing page and giving platform, Compass maintains all records and handles the tax deduction paperwork for each donor. Because of their IRS designation and use of their platform, Compass receives 10% of donations for administrative and managerial work. This is a very important part of the vision of helping people in ways greater than short-term mission experiences.