When Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, in John 20:21, he said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” God doesn’t call the capable. He calls the available. We are all asked to be available. And for many of us, we are tasked to go.
Join missions team members who seek spiritual growth, want to serve others, and gain a new, heart-changing perspective. Mission experiences allow team members to see through the eyes of those whom they serve while laying a greater foundation for faith through intentional service, team experiences, and devotion time.

Love is a universal language. We’ve seen first-hand what a huge difference can be made in a short time. The gift of hope and a show of faith can never be underestimated. In cooperation with our on-the-ground, local mission partners, your short-term experience will be helpful to those in need and impactful to all parties. Growth is never anywhere to be found in a comfort zone.
The Metanoia missions experience is designed to be relational and spiritual. Each team member will have their own unique experience. For some, it will be building a foundation of faith. For others, it may be spiritual healing and forgiveness (of self or others). And yet, for others, it may be an unexpected change in heart and perspective.
This experience is dual-natured: service to the community and individuals, and personal spiritual growth.

In addition to short-term mission experiences, we also seek to provide long-term assistance and resources. To further help the communities we serve and other deserving nonprofits, individuals, and causes, Metanoia has a fiscal sponsorship partner, Compass Charitable Partners.
Through Compass, tax-deductible donations can be made that will go directly to help the organizations we assist with missions and other at-risk and in-need people and situations. You can make a difference!