Introducing Metanoia Missions & Ministries 

The concept for Metanoia Missions & Ministries (M3) has been in the hearts of the Founders of the company for some time. Mission experiences are an important part of our faith. While missions can be an act of obedience in serving and loving others, it can also be a time for personal and spiritual development.

In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus shared his wisdom: Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

The harvest is not fruit or crops. It’s souls. And there are plenty of souls not just needing to be harvested, but needing to be planted and cultivated. 

At M3, our collective experiences with missions has brought us together to establish a company that is dual in nature. Each unique mission experience is put together with two things in mind: service to a community and the locals (domestic and international) and personal spiritual growth. Combined, it’s about life change and heart change. Each of the Founders of M3 have undergone spiritual transformation (metanoia) while on mission. And, while it’s true that you don’t have to travel internationally to seek a greater faith, seeing a new place and culture with an open heart and mind and very few distractions can certainly do wonders for a wandering heart.

Despite us all being called (as read in the two verses above), workers are still few. We need workers. Jesus wants workers. He also wants those who are kind, comforters, prayer warriors, hope-givers, and bold. Let mission experiences be the beginning of a training ground to a life of work for you. If you feel called to serve others through missional activities, please reach out to us:

Trey Campbell, Co-Founder

Metanoia Missions & Ministries